Spring WorkshopsIt's finally Spring..! The daf's are starting to push through, the snowdrops are here and the bird song is gathering pace. Sometime soon, it should also start warming up..!
We've already started our Spring Workshops, with a session on Lightroom Basics at CaLM HQ last weekend. Fab session - I just love Lightroom, so teaching it is always fun. Our forthcoming workshops are detailed below. It would be great to see you on one, but don't forget, we can always arrange some one-to-one tuition at a time and place to suit you.
Saturday 4th March - Camera Skills, Exposure Control & Flash Workshop Venue Cloverley Hall, Calverhall SY13 4PH 10am - 2pm Cost £30 Basic camera skills, understanding exposure (getting off Auto) and basic fill-in flash Most suited to DSLR or bridge camera. Additional flashgun
Saturday 11th March - Editing for Competition Workshop Venue - 4 Moreton Wood 10am – 2pm Cost £30 Limited to 8 places What do judges look for? Some hints and tips on how to compose your images following some simple guidelines. A laptop with Lightroom, Photoshop or Photoshop Elements would be advantageous, however there will be a screen mirroring the process.
Saturday 18th March – Studio Workshop Venue – Calverhall Village Hall, SY13 4PE Morning session - 10am – 12:30pm Cost £30 Afternoon session – 2pm – 4:30pm Cost £30 Register for both sessions Cost £50 Full studio set up with strobe lights and 3m x 6m backdrop. Full instruction on controlling the light to get best effect. Two sessions - first will explore portrait shots with a young couple, second session on how to light a bodybuilder to show his physique. Morning session – Faye and Ed – engaged, soon to be married Afternoon session - Lee - a male bodybuilder
Please register your interest by emailing [email protected] or call 01948 890466 Comments
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